2017 Auchan toy catalog

Comment découvrir le catalogue de jouet en 3D

Auchan Catalogue de jouets Noël en 3D

ARTECH worked together with the toys teams, clients innovation and Auchan mobile. This new innovative service is available since october 2017 in the new Auchan mobile app (Free to download on Google Play or IOS) for tablet and smartphone.
The tracking / statistics tools allow for a very accurate follow up and visit cartography of the catalog, on a 9 million catalog basis delivered in mailboxes and in store.
Auchan integrated the SDK offered by ARTECH to receive all of our developed tools.
Parents and children alike rediscover the pleasure of going through a toy catalog due to augmented reality.

Finally, an interactive catalog that you can explore like a story to discover.
This service is really easy to use. You just need to activate the augmented reality functionality to see 3D animations pop up that display characters and toys from the catalog's cover and pages. Other functionalities are available, such as :
⦁    The creation of a Christmas gift list where you would play all the toys you're interested in, in the catalog.
⦁    Sending a letter to Santa and receive a video answer.
⦁    Transferring the list to Santa on a www.auchan.fr cart (the list can be shared via mail or text messages with a link to the product's techical sheet on www.auchan.fr, to order it in store or get it delivered at home.)
⦁    The visualization of certain toys in 3D animations or videos.