Magic Xperience Park

MagicXperience sur France 3

Xperience Park Ville de Montauban

ARTECH worked in collaboration with the Municipal staff from Montauban (France) to offer the Montalbanais a playful visit in the town's gardens, where we installed 12 totems. A brochure distributed to the tourist office and the town's hall shows the path to follow.
The tracking / statistics tools allow to follow and map the signs and give indications on the garden's visits. Montauban also uses the Magic Xperience app, edited by the SAS ARTECH, as well as 3D animations from its catalog to control the production budget.

Parents and children alike rediscover the joy of walking in the park together.
This service is really easy to use. You simply have to launch the Magic Xperience app available on Google Play and Apple Store to watch 3D Animations. Pirates, princesses, super-heroes, but also full-sized aimals will please both kids and adults.
Parents can keep these magic memories safe by recording or taking pictures of their children to share it on social medias.