Downtown christmas animation

Animation réalité augmentée à Montauban - Noël 2017

ARTECH cooperated with the Association des Commerçants de Montauban (ODAC) in order to offer the Montalbanais a nice course in downtown Montauban using 38 different totems and window stickers placed on the storefront of shops for the winter holidays. A booklet, given in stores and in the Tourist Office as well as in the Town's Hall, shows a plan of the course. The tracking / statistics tools allows you to follow and map daily visitors and give clues on the ongoing operation. The operation uses the Magic Xperience augmented reality app, edited by ARTECH, as well as 3D animations  from our catalog in order to better control production costs.

Dynamize downtown life.
This service is really easy to handle, you simply need to launch the Magic Xperience app available on Google Play and the App Store to see 3D animations pop up, like snowmen, sprites, Santa and many other Christmas-related characters appear for families to enjoy. The user guide is shown on visuals and booklets. Parents can always record the events or take pictures for their kids and share it on social medias as well as with friends.